
ONGC conducts its business as a responsible corporate and believes in holistically addressing all issues related to People, Planet and Profit for a sustainable business and better future for all living beings and is committed to achieve inclusive growth of the marginalized and deprived sections of the society through its CSR initiatives to be implemented within the geographical boundaries of India, with preference to its Operational Areas, by supplementing government’s effort and / or by making independent efforts. ONGC has developed this Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Policy in consonance with the CSR Policy framework enshrined in the section-135 of Companies Act, 2013 (Act) and in accordance with the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014 (Rules) notified by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India and Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability for Central Public Sector Enterprises issued by Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India (DPE Guidelines, 2014) which are effective from 1st April 2014. It shall apply to all CSR Projects / Programmes undertaken by ONGC as per liberal interpretation of activities listed in Schedule-VII of the Act, within the geographical limits of India alone, preferably towards the benefit of marginalized, disadvantaged, poor and deprived sections of the community and the environment. Any point not covered by this Policy would be interpreted in accordance with the existing Companies (CSR Policy) Rules and DPE Guidelines, 2014, with the former taking precedence over the later in case of any conflict.

Vision and Objective Statement:-


To support responsible and sustainable initiatives, while taking care of the concern for People, Planet and Profit


Continually enhance the triple bottom line benchmarks of economic, environmental and social performance through committed involvement of the employees.
To develop social wealth for the communities we engage with.
Promote efficient usage of scarce resources, encourage green energy initiatives and develop innovative solutions to fulfil the vision by stepping beyond the mandatory provisions.


To understand the stakeholder expectations through structured engagement process and communication strategy and leverage this understanding to develop and implement outcome based and impact oriented projects in the select areas. To adopt Environmentally Sustainable business practices in ONGC’s normal operations with a view to gradually reduce our carbon and water footprint, innovative management of waste, prudent energy management and biodiversity conservation. To envision, execute and manage long enduring projects with a wide geographical spread and larger social impact with focus on inclusive growth of marginalized and deprived sections of the society. To create adequately empowered organizational structure and a system of management oversight, review and control. To persuade our business partners for adopting similar practices for CSR and Sustainable development.

CSR Activities-

Projects / Programs will be identified and budgets allocated for them through a process incorporating identification of suitable implementation agencies, need assessment (where ever required) and clear outlining of desired outcomes.
The CSR projects / programs / initiatives, to be undertaken must fall within the purview of the Schedule – VII of the Companies Act, 2013 (as modified from time to time)
All CSR activities will be in the form of projects / programs, which will, as far as possible, entail the following components:
Need Based Assessment / Baseline survey / Study where considered necessary / feasible;
Identification of specific and measurable objectives / goals in identified sectors and geographies;
Formation of the project and preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR);
Identification of time lines – clear specification of start date and end date;
Specification of annual financial allocation;
Clear identification of beneficiaries (by name where possible);
Clear identification of milestones for the complete duration of the Project / programme;
Preparation and signing of agreement with Implementing Agencies;
Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive and concurrent documentation procedure;
Robust, periodic review & monitoring;
Evaluation & Assessment, preferably both concurrent and final (wherever possible, by a competent third part);
Mandatory Reporting.
Opportunities for complementing / supplementing Government initiatives / programmes will be explored.
However, funds will not be deposited in Government accounts except where the Act / Rules specify such allocation.
ONGC would assign priority to projects / programmes of medium (1-3 years) or longer duration (more than 3
years) in order to ensure emphasis on long-term outcomes/impacts.


The Board of ONGC will ensure that in each financial Year (FY), at least two percent of the average net profit (calculated as per Section 198 of the Act) accrued during the three immediately preceding Financial Years, is spent on CSR activities / projects / programs.
In the event, that amount indicated in para 4.1 above is not spent in its entirety in that Financial Year, the reasons thereof will be outlined as per section 134 (3) (o) of the Act to be shared with all the stakeholders through the Annual Report and the unspent amount shall be carried forward to next year.
The budget allocation for individual CSR Projects / Programmes / activities shall be made by the Committee on CSR and SD in the beginning of every financial year after considering the CSR budget for that year. However, to assist in planning of the activities, the indicative budget allocation for broad sector of Activities is as under:

Sector of Activity Indicative Budget allocation:-

Promoting health care including preventative health care and sanitation and making available safe drinking water. approx. 20% of CSR budget.
Promoting education including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects approx. 20% of CSR budget
Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protections of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water approx. 20% of CSR budget.
Rural development projects approx. 20% of CSR budget.
Setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centres and other such facilities for senior citizens.
Protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art; setting up public libraries; promotion and development of traditional arts and handicrafts.
Training to promote rural sports, regionally recognised sports, Paralympics sports and Olympic sports
Other areas mentioned in Schedule – VII approx. 20% of CSR budge.


1. Registration certificate.
2. MOM
3. Latest Audit and Annual report
4. NGO profile
5. Pan Card
6. Bank Information
7. 12A & 80G (if you have)
8. FCRA (if you have)
9. NITI AYOG Registration
10.Running Project Detail (if you have)

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